And Princess Mignon Abbie still enjoys looking for her...
Happy Weekend Everyone!
~CC Catherine
The picture below is of my Tyler, waving his flag to and the shades! ;)And here he is, riding his bike through the parade~ His first Holiday Trek!
Here we are...we decided to celebrate our special 27th Wedding Anniversary in our favorite Tea Room in Clarksville, GA - Baron York Tea Room Cafe
My Beloved called ahead to Dea Irby, the Tea Shoppe owner, to have a special tea for two ready for us when we arrived. Here is just a little bit of what we dined on~
A great view of the Tea Room with an "Up Shot" in the Historical section of Clarksville~ ;)
Back to the festivities of the day with our Mascot in the Parade!
And for the family...everyone celebrated the weekend as well~ My future daughter in law prepared this delectable Asparagus Quiche that I found the recipe for online. We all loved it, excellent reviews~
If you want to enjoy the Asparagus Quiche, Click here to enjoy the recipe!
Happy Early Foodie Friday~
Have a blessed day~