In preparing for this wonderful time of celebration, I am reminded
of all the family and friendships God has blessed me with throughout the years and I'm so grateful!
In preparation for this occasion, I have been one of Santa's little elves working on this dollhouse. I found it unpainted at a yardsale at a nearby Antique Shoppe a couple months back. I thought it would be the perfect gift for our grandie, Cate.
I used gray for the roof, pink paint for the interior walls and a very light minty green for the external paint...and painted the front porch gray to match the roof. I even added pink shutters to the home, a MUST for all little girls.
The little doll standing in the front door is a mini Madame Alexander doll that I found at the outdoor yardsale as well. She came with the little boy sitting on the retro chaise lounge I made for the cottage. Finishing touches were the custom drapes I made for inside the home and a few pieces of furniture using what I had in my home. And, what would the home be without a few Christmas Wreaths hanging in the windows? Found those teency weencies at Holly Lobby. The pink lace, replicating a light pink snow, was found at Goodwill in perfectly mint PINK condition~ :)
Cate will be surprised, and I will love adding to this cottage throughout the next several Christmases.
As I close in sharing my Christmas post today, please remember a dear Blogging Friend of mine from Mimi's Garden, Kathy Black, in your prayers. Her family experienced this week the highest high and the lowest low. Kathy's daughter in law, Jenny, and her son had their first child. Jenny experienced complications and as a result died on 12/22. The baby, a precious little girl, was born by emergency C Section and last I heard was doing fine. My heart has been so heavy for Kathy, her son and grandbaby girl...and the rest of the family. In your own celebrations this Christmas Season, please say a prayer for comfort & hope for Kathy and her family.
My heart & verbal reply screams out in response to all the Happy Holidays I hear in line and everywhere I go this year, Merry CHRISTmas~I chirp merrily back. I cannot leave Christ out of the REASON for this Season!
Love to All, and especially to Kathy Black & her precious family!
~CC Catherine
The little doll standing in the front door is a mini Madame Alexander doll that I found at the outdoor yardsale as well. She came with the little boy sitting on the retro chaise lounge I made for the cottage. Finishing touches were the custom drapes I made for inside the home and a few pieces of furniture using what I had in my home. And, what would the home be without a few Christmas Wreaths hanging in the windows? Found those teency weencies at Holly Lobby. The pink lace, replicating a light pink snow, was found at Goodwill in perfectly mint PINK condition~ :)
Cate will be surprised, and I will love adding to this cottage throughout the next several Christmases.
As I close in sharing my Christmas post today, please remember a dear Blogging Friend of mine from Mimi's Garden, Kathy Black, in your prayers. Her family experienced this week the highest high and the lowest low. Kathy's daughter in law, Jenny, and her son had their first child. Jenny experienced complications and as a result died on 12/22. The baby, a precious little girl, was born by emergency C Section and last I heard was doing fine. My heart has been so heavy for Kathy, her son and grandbaby girl...and the rest of the family. In your own celebrations this Christmas Season, please say a prayer for comfort & hope for Kathy and her family.
My heart & verbal reply screams out in response to all the Happy Holidays I hear in line and everywhere I go this year, Merry CHRISTmas~I chirp merrily back. I cannot leave Christ out of the REASON for this Season!
Love to All, and especially to Kathy Black & her precious family!
~CC Catherine