Tuesday, January 31, 2012

~CC's Smart & Yummy Breakfast Parfait to start my day! :)

Ahhh, Yes!
Starting my day out today with my favorite home made breakfast:
 "~CC's Smart & Yummy Parfait"
Cinnabon Coffee~
The frosting on the top this early in the morning
 is my Romantic Homes Magazine.
Parfait Ingredients:
1/2 cup prepared oatmeal chilled (Steel cut oats are the best)
1 small container of Vanilla Activia yogurt
1/2 cup chopped fresh strawberries
8 raw almonds
scant some unsweetened coconut over the top

Stir well ~ Voila
A Healthy start to my day!

Happy Tuesday Everyone!
~CC Catherine

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday to Tea Time Tuesday with Sandi at the Rose Chintz Cottage

I'm caught by the TEA BUG - and am joining Sandi over at the Rose Chintz Cottage today to celebrate her  2nd Birthday with Tea Time Tuesday's Tea Parties!

Please gently glide over to her place by clicking on the Rose Chintz Cottage link above to visit all the other Tea Parties today.

I'm going to share the following Tea Party that is hosted for a group of young ladies that I'm blessed by, my neighbor girls!

Also, you'll get to meet my little Princess Mignon Abbie, my little Sheltie Princess.  She loves joining in on the Tea Parties with the girls.

For years now, wherever I've lived, I've opened my home up for my little neighbor girls, no matter how young or old.  One as young as 3 when she began coming over for weekly tea.  

Even though they probably feel they are the ones that are getting something out of it; I gain so much more from them.

Without further adieu~ and no further narration needed, 
Welcome to my Tea Party


~CC Catherine

Have a "Tealightful" day!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Love Auction Results for Baby Amelia


My December Love Auction hosted for Baby Amelia resulted in $200 from the many blogger friends that particpated. 

Thanks to everyone who placed winning bids for the items that were auctioned off and to those who placed donations for this cause, and as well for the kind comments.

The focus in this post is Precious Amelia ~ 
This is a pic of her from her Mimi's blog from last Easter time - Welcome to Mimi's Garden

As soon as I get a more recent photo of Baby Amelia, I'll post it on my sidebar!

Happy New Year Everyone...
Merci ~ once Again!

~CC Catherine