What a sweet surprise to find on my blog step! ;) I so appreciate your frequent visits to my blog, your kindness in always leaving a bright comment, and now you've showered me with this lovely award! (Curtsy) ;)
I now will pass the baton! ;) Again, Merci!
If you accept this award, the rules are...
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post
4. Let them know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received the award.
With all the lovely friends I've made over the past six weeks that I've been "actively" blogging with, I've decided I MUST share this award with all of you! Please copy this logo and post it on your blog. Pay It Forward by following the rules above.
I so appreciate each and every person that has befriended me, has left such wonderful and meaningful comments on my posts... I've learned much from this new experience and really cherish the kindness of each of you all! Thanks again Heidi for sharing this with me! ;)
Have a GREAT week everyone! ;)
~CC Catherine
~CC Catherine